Travel Mask Mandate – The debate on masks in the United States of America has taken over any other topic in the last two weeks. You will find only one topic dominating every other thing in every news channel, social media platform, and group discussion since the CDC announced the latest travel mask mandate.
A lot of people have been discussing the pros and cons of using masks and the latest developments in the country. There is no doubt that masks are one of the most effective weapons against novel coronavirus.
It has the power to save every person from getting infected. Even in several studies, it has already been proven that using precautionary methods is way more effective than other treatments or vaccines for novel coronavirus.
That is why several health experts are suggesting everyone maintain coronavirus protocols, such as social distancing, masks, regular testing, and vaccines. There is no specific treatment available for novel coronavirus, and the effectiveness of vaccines is also in question.
Travel Mask Mandate
A few days ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced the latest travel mask mandate for knighted States of America.
As per the travel mask mandate, everyone will have to use a mask while traveling on public transport, whether they are travelers or crew members.
Every health expert welcomed the mandate and thanked the Centers for Disease Control and prevention for making the mask necessary while traveling. The United States of America is on edge to get new COVID waves. Any day-end travel mask mandate would have helped the CDC to contain the spread as much as possible.
Travel Mask Mandate Overruled.
Soon after the announcement of the travel mask mandate, two women from Florida ask the court to intervene as they do not feel good after wearing masks. They debated that people who are suffering from anxiety find it very hard to breathe when they are wearing a mask.
Both of the women further added that they are struggling with the same disorder, and after the mandate, they won’t be able to travel anywhere in the country.
After hearing from both sides, Florida judge Kathryn Kimball, Announced the judgment and overruled the travel mask mandate, which was forcing every traveler to use a mask while traveling on public transport.
The whole nation, including health and legal experts, was shocked by the decision. The Florida judge further mentioned that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had overstepped its authority by making masks mandatory for every traveler in the country.
Even though the decision was in favor of the Americans, The ruling of the mandate is going to do nothing but put the lives of both the general public at risk.
We don’t have to go into the debate about how masks can save Americans from the deadly virus. But one thing is sure the latest decision of the Florida judge is surely going to impact any other mandate or guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control and prevention.
Controversy Of Travel Mask Mandate
The ruling has already been finalized, and no public transport passengers have to wear masks while traveling. Centers for Disease Control and prevention are not pushing or making it mandatory from now on.
But this doesn’t mean that controversy has ended. A lot of people started questioning the decision and how the Florida judge did not even try to understand that side of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.
As for several legal experts, it was one-sided and because of anxiety attacks of two women who cannot put the lives of all Americans at risk.
There could have been several ways to make a fair decision. One particular legal expert believes that a Florida judge could have given a pass to those people who are suffering from similar conditions.
But the way the whole mandate was overruled raised several questions starting from the integrity of the judge. Many people believe that she was appointed during the Trump administration, and she is trying to follow his ideology.
Current Situation of Travel Mask Mandate
As per the current situation, you are free to not use a mask while traveling in public transport, either it’s buses or planes. Similarly, the crew members of all these transport modes are also free not to use masks anymore.
But, you can always wear a mask to ensure your safety and the safety of your friends and family. Nobody is stopping you from wearing a mask, but the Centers for Disease Control and prevention cannot force it from now on.
Even though the decision was not appreciated by most people, private travel agencies, including the airplane travel industry, appreciated the decision. They believe that people were in fear when they had to put on masks while traveling, and now they can move freely without any fear of getting infected with the novel coronavirus.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already asked the Department of Justice to appeal against the decision in a higher court, but they cannot force the use of masks until then.
Every high-ranking official, including the president Joe Biden, has already condemned the decision. They have already said that they are not going to stop when it comes to the safety of Americans.
What should you do after the travel mask mandate has been overruled?
And cases of novel coronavirus are rising in the United States of America. You should ensure your safety by protecting yourself. Every health expert will suggest you use a mask and follow the coronavirus protocol, including social distancing and the use of sanitization. If the Centers for disease control and prevention cannot force you to use a mask, then you can use it voluntarily and ensure your safety.
Is it going to impact the mandatory mask rule in the New York metropolitan transit service?
No, the overruling of travel mask mended is not going to impact the mandatory mask rule in the New York metropolitan transit service. The overall decision is just going to impact the Centers for Disease Control and prevention.