How do You Get Shingles – As per the data released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 99% of Americans born before 1980 have been diagnosed with chickenpox once in their life. All of these people are now on edge to get the shingles.
In the same report, the Centers for Disease Control and prevention quoted that around three million Americans get diagnosed with shingles each year. Shingles are caused by the same virus which can cause chickenpox.
It is a painful situation that needs to be addressed as soon as possible to lower the intensity of symptoms. At the same time, complete knowledge about the disease is also very important to ensure your safety.
That is why the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend everyone learn about how you get shingles and how to cure shingles in three days. Today we will talk about both of these things, so keep reading the blog till the end.
Major Causes of Shingles
Let’s first address the biggest query of the day, which is how you get shingles. You need to learn about everything which can cause shingles. Early treatment is very important to lower the intensity of the symptoms.
Reactivation of Virus
The first and foremost major cause of shingles is the reactivation of the virus, which is responsible for causing chickenpox. As per the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, if you have ever been diagnosed with chickenpox in your life, then you are more vulnerable to getting shingles.
The virus which causes chickenpox and shingles is the same, and even though you get successfully treated For the chickenpox, the virus will stay in your system till the last time.
Once your immune system is no longer able to suppress the virus, it regenerates itself, and this time it will not cause chickenpox but shingles. The virus is not a threat until it reactivates itself.
At the same time, it is also possible that you get diagnosed with chickenpox and never develop singles in your lifespan. As per the data points released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 33% of people diagnosed with chickenpox will get shingles in their lifetime.
Chickenpox Vaccine
As per the several studies and guidelines published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is a probability that if you have never been diagnosed with chickenpox, you can still get shingles if you have been vaccinated for chickenpox.
The vaccination for chickenpox also contained the virus, which is responsible for causing the disease. The virus can reach your body with the vaccine, and it can save you from getting chickenpox, but it can become the reason for shingles.
That is why the vaccine for chickenpox has been creating a bigger debate in the United States than any other vaccine. Till now, the guidelines on the vaccine for shingles are the same, and everyone above the age of 60 is recommended to get the vaccine for shingles.
Advanced Age
As per the data points released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, most of the people who have been diagnosed with singles are above the age of 50. These data points clearly show that advanced age is also responsible for causing shingles.
Even though it is very rare to get shingles before the age of 40, we cannot rule out every possibility. Till now, it is not clear why shingles affect people with older age. But, health experts believe that by age, our immune system is no longer able to suppress the virus, and it has become the reason that it is easy.
Certain Health Conditions
Several studies have already proved that certain health conditions can also become the reason for shingles. For example, people who are suffering from leukemia or lymphoma are more vulnerable to getting shingles because their immune system is already compromised and fighting another major problem.
At the same time, people who are struggling with HIV are also more vulnerable to shingles. Even though doctors consult about the possibility of shingles during the treatment, if you have not been consulted by your doctor yet, you should talk about it.
Certain Medications
Medication of certain diseases can also become the major cause of shingles. And to the Centers for Disease Control and prevention those, people who are going through chemotherapy or radiation might get diagnosed with shingles because of their low immune system.
In certain studies, people suffering from advanced arthritis or severe psoriasis Might also develop shingles during the treatment if anyone who recently had an organ transplant is also a very high alert to get diagnosed with shingles.
Other Causes
Apart from the above given major causes are a few Important trigger points that can also become the reason for shingles. In several studies, it was recently proven that too much sun exposure could also become the reason for shingles. At the same time, people of advanced age with more stress can become vulnerable to shingles.
How to Cure Shingles in Three Days?
Now, let’s talk about the treatment options for shingles. It can be a very painful disease, and nobody wants to suffer. If you want to cure shingles as soon as possible, then you should try every treatment possible, starting from medication to all the way home remedies.
Because we are looking for options to cure your fingers, that is why you will not talk about the vaccine for the same. The vaccine is important, but it only works when you have not been diagnosed with shingles yet. Once you have been diagnosed with shingles, then you have to go through the treatment pipeline.
Focus on Early Signs
The first thing you should do is focus on early signs of a shingles attack. Yes, there are a few early signs of shingles attacks, such as itchiness and redness in one part of the body. You should focus on every early sign of shingles and try to consult for medication to your doctor as soon as possible.
Usually, it takes around five days to develop these early signs, and once these early signs are done, you will start having proper symptoms of shingles, including pain and blisters.
Visit your Doctor
You should visit your doctor regarding shingles as soon as you find the early signs of the disease. Your doctor might suggest you a few medications and creams that will help you lower the intensity of symptoms of shingles.
Currently, there is no specific treatment available for singles, but your doctor can help you lower the intensity of all symptoms by using a combination of different medications.
Home Remedies
The next thing you can do to cure shingles in three days is to try every home remedy. When it comes to home remedies for shingles, you should not be shy and consult with your doctor as early as possible.
Your doctor might suggest you use a few essential oils, which will help you lower the intensity of overall symptoms. Apart from that, cool baths and quote baths are also very helpful during shingles attacks. Both types of bars are known to lower the inflammation in the body.
At the same time, you should also focus on your diet more than ever before. First of all, you should cut all the highly processed food items from your diet. You should include whole wheat and food items rich in vitamin A, B12, vitamin, and zinc.
You should include orange, carrot, and pumpkin seeds. Watermelon, cherry, spinach, and lettuce in your diet, and also limited trans and saturated fat food items.
Your doctor will also suggest you quit smoking and alcoholic beverages for a few days. Both alcoholic beverages and smoking is known to increase inflammation in the body, which we are trying to prevent with home remedies.
And to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, around 33% of people living in the United States born before 1980 are more vulnerable to getting shingles. The United States records more than 3,000,000 cases of shingles every day, and it is making everyone curious about how you get shingles?
There are two major reasons which can cause shingles. If you have ever been diagnosed with chickenpox in your life, then you are more vulnerable to getting shingles during your advanced age.
The second major reason for getting shingles is the vaccine for chickenpox. In several studies, it has already been shown that the vaccine for chickenpox also contained The virus of chickenpox. If you have been vaccinated for chickenpox and never developed chickenpox in your life, you are still vulnerable to getting shingles.
Now the major question is how to cure shingles in three days? Even though there is a vaccine for shingles that has an effect of more than 90%, there are still 10% chances that you might get shingles even after getting the vaccination.
Those people who are suffering from shingles require immediate attention and treatment because it can be a very painful situation. Doctors suggest everyone take a look at all the early signs of shingles and reach for medical treatment as soon as possible. Apart from that, you can also use home remedies which will further lower the intensity of symptoms.
What is the major cause of shingles?
There are two major causes of shingles: the rest are just the trigger points that can happen during any stage of their life. The first major reason is getting diagnosed with chickenpox, and the second major reason is getting the vaccine for chickenpox.