Pfizer Booster Side effects – The market of the rumor is always looking for new topics, and willingly or unwillingly, we also participate in these rumors. It is very harmful to our society and country at the same time. 

Recently, the market chose its new topic, and it was the vaccine for COVID-19. A lot of Americans have been misled by the rumors market regarding the side effects of the COVID-19.

We saw a huge number of people talking against the use of the COVID vaccine. That is why being a responsible member of society and an American, it is our duty to let you know about every possible Pfizer booster side effect. At the same time, we will also talk about the overall Pfizer vaccine side effects. So let’s get started.

Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects

First of all, we will talk about the general side effects of the Pfizer vaccine. There is no specific side effect of getting a vaccine made by Pfizer. These things have been cleared by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention. 

The official guidelines issued by the CDC are the only reliable source for information regarding Pfizer vaccine side effects. Till now, it is among the best vaccines available in the United States as it is the only approved vaccine for children below the age of 18 to age 5.

On the Arm 

As per the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, pain at the injection site is among the most common side effects of getting the Pfizer vaccine. Even in the clinical trial data released by Pfizer and published by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, around 85% of people who take the vaccine get the pain because of a spot of the vaccine.

You should not be worried about the pain on the spot of the vaccine as it is going to stay there for a couple of days. Apart from that, more than 10% of people might experience swelling on the injection site.

There is a mild possibility that you might experience redness on the arm where you get your vaccine shot. Usually, symptoms go away within a few days, And you also don’t have to take any medication for the symptoms. 

If the symptoms are not going away within a day or two and they are getting worse than ever before, in that scenario, you are supposed to call your doctor or health care provider.

Pfizer Booster Side Effects
Pfizer Booster Side Effects

Throughout the Body

Apart from the arm, there is a huge list of side effects that you can experience throughout your body. Fatigue or tiredness is among the most common side effects which can be experienced after taking the vaccine of Pfizer. 

According to the official data points released by the company and published by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, around 85% of people might experience fatigue or tiredness throughout their body after taking the vaccine. It is among the most common Pfizer vaccine side effects.

At the same time, 64% of people might experience headaches, and 45% of people might experience muscle pain throughout their body after taking the vaccine or booster dose of the vaccine for coronavirus.

Chills are also among the most common Pfizer vaccine side effects. As per the data points, around 41% of people might experience chills after taking the vaccine. At the same time, around 17% of people might experience fever after taking the vaccine.

These are very common symptoms throughout your body, and you should not be worried about them. If you are not getting better after one or two days of taking the vaccine, you should consult with your doctor or call 911. 

Pfizer Booster Side Effects

As per the company and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are no different Pfizer booster side effects than the side effects of taking the Primary dose of the vaccine.

Neither company nor the Centers for Disease Control and prevention have listed a separate list of Pfizer booster side effects. As per the company, there are no new side effects reported after taking the booster shots of the Pfizer vaccine for COVID-19.

But, the intensity of side effects might be higher than the primary series of vaccines for COVID-19. Even though the side effects of taking booster shots of Pfizer were seen as initial doses, the intensity of those side effects was higher in the studies. 

It is possible that you might experience fever, chills, fatigue, headaches, and pain on the injection site after taking the booster shots. 

Serious Pfizer Vaccine Side Effects

Apart from the list of common side effects of taking financial vaccines, there are a few serious side effects of taking the vaccine. All of these serious side effects have been quoted by the Centers for Disease Control and prevention in their official guidelines.

As per the CDC, there is a possibility that people might experience an Anaphylaxis After taking the vaccine, but it is very rare. Even in the data points released by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States, Provided by Pfizer, there have been no participants reported for immediate Anaphylaxis.

It is a severe type of allergic reaction with symptoms such as hives, difficulty in breathing, and low blood pressure. The allergic reaction is rare, but we cannot rule out the possibility.

If you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to Anaphylaxis, then you should call 911 and ask for immediate medical assistance. It could be a life-threatening condition, and you should ignore these symptoms.

Tips to get relief from Pfizer booster side effects

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also provide tips on reducing the pain and discomfort caused by the Pfizer booster side effects and Pfizer vaccine side effects. First of all, you should follow these tips for 24 to 48 hours, and if you do not find any relief from your symptoms, you should contact your doctor.

  • First of all, you should contact your doctor regarding taking over-the-counter medication for your symptoms, such as aspirin and ibuprofen. Both of these medicines can provide you relief from any pain and discomfort caused by the vaccine.
  • Kindly remember you should never take these medications before getting the vaccine in order to prevent side effects. There could be serious repercussions of taking over-the-counter medication before your vaccine shots.
  • At the same time, you can apply a clean, cool, and wet build over the area of the vaccine shot. It will provide you with help in lowering the pain caused by the vaccine.
  • Apart from that you can also use your arm or do mild exercises. Both of these things can help you lower the swelling and pain in the arm. If you are experiencing severe pain, then you can give rest to your arm for a few hours.
  •  In order to reduce discomfort caused by the fever and chills, you should drink plenty of fluids. dehydration can worsen these side effects, and drinking fluids will help you stay hydrated
  • Lastly, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest that you dress lightly, which will give comfort to your body, and you will be able to rest.

Kindly do not worry about having these side effects, as most people are going to experience them after taking the vaccine. Usually, these side effects go away on their own after 24 to 48 hours. 

In any case, your symptoms are not going down, and they are getting worse. You should contact your doctor or call 911 and ask for medical assistance.


A huge number is floating in the market regarding Pfizer booster side effects. In the above-given blog, we have tried to clear those rumors and provide you with authentic information shared by the company itself and published by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States. 

As per the data points shared by the company, the most common Pfizer vaccine side effect is fatigue and tiredness. Around 85% of people are going to experience it. Apart from that, people might experience headaches and muscle pain throughout their bodies. 

Even though there are no serious Pfizer vaccine side effects, if you are already allergic to any ingredient in the vaccine, then you might experience a severe allergic reaction after taking it. If you are experiencing swelling on your face, difficulty in breathing, and redness, then you should call 911 and ask for immediate medical assistance.

Even though there is a huge list of Pfizer vaccine side effects, this doesn’t mean that everyone who is receiving the doses of the vaccine will get these side effects. There are going to be a huge number of people who might not develop any side effects, but this doesn’t mean that vaccines are not working in their bodies. We should never compare the effectiveness of vaccines with the side effects.

Which is the most common Pfizer booster side effect?

As per the official data released by the company and published by FDA, tiredness is the most common Pfizer poster side effect. Apart from that, people might experience chills and muscle pain throughout their bodies.

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