Thyroid Disease Symptoms

Thyroid Disease Symptoms – Human body is built of different components. There are bones, organs, muscles, blood, etc. All these different components work together to keep the body active and healthy. 

Similarly, there are some glands in the human body. These glands are responsible for releasing several types of hormones required for the body. The thyroid is among the most popular glands in the human body. It is also known to influence several things in the human body, and any disease caused by the thyroid gland can result in severe symptoms.

That is why today we are here to discuss everything related to thyroid diseases. We will also take a look at thyroid disease symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.

What is the Thyroid?

The thyroid is a very small gland located in front of the neck and wrapped around the windpipe of every human. Its shape is very similar to a butterfly which is smaller in the middle and has two wide wings that extend around the throat.

The human body has multiple glands, and they all create and release different types of substances in the body. These substances further help our body to maintain overall health and growth of the body.

The thyroid gland is known to make hormones that can help control our body. If your thyroid glands are not working properly, then it can cause several symptoms. 

There are two major types of Thyroid diseases. Either the Thyroid gland is going to make too much thyroid in your body, or it is going to create less thyroid hormone in your body.

Both things are bad for your overall health, and you should have maintained levels of thyroid hormone in your body.

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

Before we go ahead or talk about anything else related to thyroid diseases, let’s take a look at the symptoms of the condition. 

In case you are experiencing any of the below-given symptoms, then you should consult with your healthcare provider. Self-diagnosis of any disease can be fatal for you.

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention will leave you might have thyroid without these symptoms. Many of these symptoms are also associated with general diseases and no disease at all. For example, weight gain is not a disease, but it is a symptom of Thyroid disease. 

Under any circumstances, you are not supposed to self-diagnose yourself for thyroid. If you are experiencing any of the below given in terms of thyroid, then you should consult with your healthcare provider.

  • Fatigue and
  • Constipation
  • Where it again
  • Puffy face
  • Dry skin
  • Increase sensitivity to cold
  • Muscle weakness
  • Elevated blood cholesterol levels
  • Thinning hair
  • Depression
  • Slowed heart rate
  • Impaired memory
  • Stiffness in your joints
  • Enlarged thyroid gland

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also believed that thyroid disease in a child or teen could result in poor growth and short stature. Apart from that, delayed development of permanent teeth and delayed puberty are also recognized as symptoms of thyroid disease in kids and teens.

In case your kid is experiencing any of the above-given symptoms, then you should consult with your health care provider.

Symptoms of thyroid disease in infants can interfere with different including a large Dang, difficulty breathing, horse crying, hernia, etc. Kindly do not ignore any of the above-given symptoms, whether it’s your infant or teenager.

Thyroid Disease Symptoms
Thyroid Disease Symptoms

Causes of Thyroid Disease

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States believe there could be hundreds of different causes of Thyroid disease. We have tried to explain some of them down below.

Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are one of the biggest poles of hypothyroidism. Autoimmune diseases are very tough to handle as your immune system is trying to kill the body. Sometimes these autoimmune diseases can also start attacking your own thyroid gland.

Health experts or scientists around the world are not sure why autoimmune diseases happen and why they attack the thyroid gland. It could be genetic or environmental.

Thyroid Treatment

You might be surprised to know that some treatments approved for hyperthyroidism can also cause hypothyroidism. Health experts usually suggest everyone go for radioactive iodine or anti-thyroid medications to lower hyperthyroidism. Sometimes these treatment options do not work, and they can result in hypothyroidism.

Radiation Therapy

A lot of people who undergo radiation therapy due to the treatment of cancer can also experience hypothyroidism which means your body won’t make enough thyroid hormone. It mostly has fun when the cancer is around the head or neck areas.


A huge number of women can develop hypothyroidism during or after their pregnancy. It usually happens when the body of a woman produces more antibodies to their own thyroid gland. Hypothyroidism is also known to increase the risk of miscarriage or premature delivery. Kindly do not ignore increased or decreased levels of thyroid in your body.

Iodine Deficiency

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States believe that iodine deficiency can also result in thyroid disease. Under every circumstance, you should maintain the levels of I owed him in your body. Increasing the levels of iodine in your body can result in hyperthyroidism. On the other hand, decreased levels of iodine Can result in hypothyroidism.

Risk Factors of Thyroid Diseases

Before we move to the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid diseases, let’s take a look at all the risk factors associated with the disease. 

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention will leave there are certain categories which are more vulnerable to thyroid diseases, including hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

If you fall in any of the below-given categories, then you are more vulnerable to disease.

  •  Women
  •  People older than age 60
  • Have a family history of thyroid disease
  • Struggling with the autoimmune diseases
  • People with diabetes
  • Received treatment with radioactive iodine
  • Received radiation in or around your neck
  • Had thyroid surgery
  • The pregnant or delivered baby within the last six months

If you fall in any of the above-given categories, then you should be very careful as there are several complications of thyroid disease.

Thyroid disease is not just limited to weight gain as it can also result in heart problems, including stroke and heart attack. Apart from that, people with thyroid diseases are also more vulnerable to mental health issues than anyone else.

Depression is one of the biggest mental issues that can occur along with hypothyroidism. It is also known to decrease or slow mental functioning.

Maintaining thyroid levels for pregnant women is very important as it can result in birth defects. Women might give birth to a child who is more prone to serious intellectual and developmental problems.

Lastly, women with lower levels of thyroid hormone can become infertile. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have already suggested everyone maintain their thyroid level as lower levels of thyroid hormone can interfere with pregnancy.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Thyroid Diseases

In most cases, your doctor will suggest you go for a blood test to check the levels of thyroid in your blood. Usually, blood tests are suggested for people who are struggling with the symptoms of thyroid diseases, including weight gain, Constipation, dry skin and increased tiredness.

Apart from that, people who already have any history of thyroid problems or goitre are also suggested to go for a blood test to diagnose thyroid diseases. Most people who go for blood tests regarding any disease are also tested for TSH levels. 

That is why your doctor can diagnose thyroid problems even if you are not experiencing any of the above-given symptoms of the condition. The TSH levels found in your blood can also help your doctor to decide the treatment and the doses of medicine.

If you are struggling with extremely low levels in your blood, then your doctor might suggest you go for higher doses.

Treatment Options

Before we wrap up this session, let’s take a quick look at all the treatment options available for Thyroid disease. Your doctor is not going to do any magic in order to improve your symptoms but maintain the normal levels of thyroid in your body. 

Your doctor will take a look at your medical history before suggesting any treatment for thyroid diseases. People who already have a disease might not be suggested to take any medicine that can interact with others.

  • If you don’t have any medical history or any ongoing disease, then you might be suggested to go for anti-thyroid drugs.
  • Your doctor might also suggest you go for radioactive iodine, which is known to prevent your thyroid gland from making more hormones.
  • Your doctor might also suggest you go for some beta blockers. These medicines don’t improve your thyroid hormone levels, but they are well able to control your symptoms.
  • If no medicine is able to improve your condition, then your doctor might suggest you go for surgery. Your doctor can remove some or all parts of the thyroid gland. 

Can thyroid disease also cause mental problems?

Yes, thyroid disease is known to cause mental problems along with a huge number of physical problems. The CDC believe lower levels of thyroid hormone can result in severe cases of mental diseases.

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