Positive Covid Test – Now What – Coronavirus or the infection of COVID-19 is still a serious issue for everyone in this world. The United States and countries like the United Kingdom, England, Australia, and other European countries are seeing a sharp rise in the positive cases of COVID-19.

That sharp rise in positive cases can change your lives if you become infected with the virus. Yes, there is a probability that you will get infected with the virus even if you have received your primary and booster shots of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Right now, most health experts in the world have already declared that the vaccine for COVID-19 is not a 100% solution to ensure your safety against the virus. It is there to protect you from severe symptoms of COVID-19, hospitalization, and to prevent death due to the virus.

It is your responsibility to ensure your safety against the virus, along with the safety of your friends and family. With the right knowledge regarding the virus and complete awareness, we can beat it and ensure our safety. Keeping that in mind, today, we are going to discuss what you should do if you get positive for COVID.

Isolate yourself

The first thing you should do as soon as you get to know about your infection is isolated yourself from your friends and family. Isolation or quarantine is among the most effective things to ensure the safety of your friends and family.

If you want to, you can isolate or quarantine yourself at your home but make sure you are not getting in touch with your friends and family till you have recovered from the virus. 

Yes, there is a probability that you will infect your friends and family when you are around them if you are positive for the virus. 

Inform everyone

Once you have isolated yourself from everyone, including your workmates and family, the next thing you can do is inform everyone you know and whom you have met in the last few days.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have mentioned on its official website that you should let everyone in your circle know that you have tested positive for COVID-19 or you are developing symptoms similar to that.

First of all, you should call your family to make room for you as you might have to isolate yourself at home. After that, you can call every single person you have met in the last five days.

If you take a look at the isolation and quarantine guidelines issued by the CDC, you will see they have mentioned a five-day Incubation period for COVID-19.

The incubation period is a time between you getting exposed to the virus and developing symptoms. As per the latest studies and dominating variants in the United States and around the world, the incubation period of COVID-19 has been reduced from 5.6 days to three days. As a precautionary measure, you should take it for five days.

positive covid test - now what
positive covid test – now what

Regular Testing

In case you have started developing symptoms related to COVID-19 and you have not tested yourself, then we will suggest you go and test yourself.

Most symptoms of COVID-19 are also associated with other diseases, and it doesn’t mean if you have a cough, it will be coronavirus.

Regular testing for five to 10 days Is very important, even if you have already tested positive for COVID-19.

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention have mentioned that if you can spend 24 hours fever free without using any fever-reducing medicine, you can endure isolation.

Along with that, you also have to keep yourself tested at regular intervals. It will help you ensure your safety and the safety of your friends and family.

Monitor your symptoms

The next thing you can do once you get tested positive for COVID-19 or start developing similar symptoms is to monitor your symptoms.

The current dominating variants of COVID-19 are sub-variants of omicron. These sub-variants are highly infectious, but they do not cause severe symptoms of COVID-19, and people can get better even after the 4th or 5th day they start developing symptoms.

People do not even require hospitalization as they can treat themselves at home using over-the-counter medications. In case people who have already been vaccinated and are up to date with their vaccination can recover even much faster.

Still, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest every single person monitor their symptoms under any condition. In some cases, people might develop symptoms related to COVID-19, and they need to get hospitalization.

Consult with doctor

Lastly, you can consult with your health care provider anytime you are infected with the virus. When it comes to consulting with your healthcare provider, you are free to consult them anytime you want.

The Centers for Disease Control and prevention have already suggested everyone keep monitoring their symptoms related to COVID-19 and let your condition know to your health care provider.

You might not require hospitalization or medication from your doctor as you might be able to recover at home using home remedies.

In some conditions, where an infected person starts developing symptoms related to severe infection of COVID-19, it’s become very important for them to discuss it with their doctor.

The CDC has also suggested everyone call ahead their health care provider before they visit. The health care provider or hospital might have to make some adjustments to ensure the safety of other patients and the staff.


Can I travel if I get tested positive for COVID and don’t have any symptoms?

No, under any circumstances, you should never travel if you get tested positive for cover 19. Whether you are developing symptoms related to the virus or not, the Centers for Disease Control and prevention do not suggest anyone travel when they get tested positive for the virus. There is a high probability that you will infect others, so it is a wise decision to postpone your travel.

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