How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System

How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System – Alcoholic beverages are the most popular drink in the world. As per one data point, more than 85% of people in the United States above the age of 18 have drunk alcoholic beverages at one point in their lifetime. 

At the same time, only 79% of people like to drink coffee above the age of 18 in the United States of America. If we compare both of the numbers, we can understand that alcoholic beverages or the most popular drink, especially in the United States.

That is why it became very important to discuss everything related to alcohol and its effect on the human body. It will prepare you for any upcoming situation. Today we will discuss how long it takes alcohol to leave your system and everything related to alcoholism. 

When Can You Start Feeling The Effects of Alcohol?

As you might already know, the human body absorbs liquid faster than solid food. That is why you can start feeling the effects of alcohol in just a few minutes. Your stomach and small intestine can rapidly absorb alcohol before it travels to your nervous system.

Usually, small amounts of alcohol are not considered dangerous, and most people can handle those levels very easily. But everything starts getting out of hand once you start drinking more and more.

And alcohol is going to affect each person differently. It can also change the whole personality of a person. For example, a person who is usually very friendly might become sad and sit in a corner. At the same time, if a person has anger issues after drinking alcohol, they might become very friendly. 

Apart from that, people who drink alcohol may experience speech issues, impaired walking—loss of inhibition, Florida excellent time, and poor judgment, including driving under the influence. 

After How Much Time Does Alcohol Leave Our Body?

Now let’s address the biggest question of the day, which is how long does it take alcohol to leave your system? 

As per the industry standards, if a person whose weight is around 150 pounds has one standard drink, it will take at least one hour and 15 minutes. Technically when you have one standard drink, it increases your blood alcohol concentration by 0.02%.

At first glance, 0.02% might not look very bad to you, but your body can only remove blood alcohol concentration by just 0.016% per hour. Now, if you have one drink, it will take at least one hour and 15 minutes to get out of your system.

How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System
How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System?

How Long Can an Alcohol Test Detect Alcohol in Your Body?

If you are wondering how long an alcohol test can detect alcohol in your body? You are on the right path. I get it, you like alcoholic beverages, but you don’t want to get into any trouble, that is all fine.

There are five different types of tests that can detect alcohol in your body. All of these tests are performed using different samples, and each test is a bit harder than the previous one.

  • One of the most common breath alcohol detection tests can tell if you have had alcohol in the last 24 hours.
  • Your urine test can tell if you have alcohol or not for three to five days using special methods or 10 to 12 hours via the traditional method.
  • Alcohol can show up in a blood test for up to 12 hours.
  • Lastly, your hair can tell if you have had alcohol in the last 90 days. It can also detect any other kind of drug.

What is The Right Amount of Alcohol For Our Body?

In the United States of America, the standard drink is an alcoholic beverage that does not gross more than 14 grams of pure alcohol. 

As you are already aware, one standard drink of 14 grams of pure alcohol can increase 0.02% of blood alcohol concentration. If you cross 0.08% blood alcohol concentration in the United States of America and start driving, it will be considered driving under the influence.

You will be liable for any legal or charges fine. In some states, the highest level of blood alcohol concentration is around 0.04-0.05%. So kindly read all the rules and regulations of the state you are living in.

Everything is fine under 14 grams of pure alcohol, but we don’t get pure alcohol in bars or pubs. They are usually mixed with other things. For example, standard beer only contains 5% of alcohol, while the strongest drink, such as whiskey, gin, or vodka, only contains 40% alcohol.

Even though these might look bigger to you In vodka or whiskey and very smaller in standard beer but usually contains the same amount of alcohol, that is 0.6 ounces or 14 grams of pure alcohol.

Is it Okay to Drink When Pregnant?

No, it is not okay to drink alcoholic beverages when pregnant. It is an old saying, and most women around the world practice not drinking alcoholic beverages when they get pregnant.

As per many studies, it has already been concluded that drinking alcoholic beverages during pregnancy may cause several risks, including premature birth or even miscarried. We have already seen the side effects of printing alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, and they are pretty bad. 

For example, even the United States Centers for Disease Control and prevention tell every woman not to drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. As per them, there is no safe amount of alcohol used during any stage of pregnancy.

Risk Factors

What if a woman keeps drinking alcoholic beverages during her pregnancy? is it going to affect the child if it is born without any problem such as miscarriage or premature birth?

The clear-cut answer is yes. There are going to be some problems with the child even after a successful birth. There is a long list of diseases and conditions which can happen to a child.

  • Poor coordination
  • Poor memory
  • speech delays
  • sleep problems as a baby
  • vision or hearing problems
  • Important organ problems, including heart and kidney
  • learning disabilities
  • Poor school performance
  • Hyperactive behaviour
  • Shorter than average height
  • Bigger head size
  • Abnormal facial features
  • Low IQ

It is just a small list of things that can happen to the child even after a successful birth. That is why doctors suggest everyone not drink alcoholic beverages during pregnancy. The above-given conditions cannot be cured even after surgery and long treatment.

In Favour Studies

There are a few studies that have concluded or made an argument that some amount of alcoholic beverages early in the pregnancy might not hamper the child.

These studies were not actual studies where they gathered newly pregnant women and allowed them to have alcoholic beverages. It was more like a survey that they conducted on a few women.

Even though there were some pretty good statements, the end result was not very good, and they also left those studies or surveys with the same question.

The one thing in those studies which caught our eyes once most of those women did not even realize they were pregnant for three or four weeks, and they kept drinking alcoholic beverages till they found out.

Even in our society, we see many keep drinking alcoholic beverages till they find out they are pregnant with their baby, and it’s already been two or three weeks. And it is not like every one of those children is suffering from any of the given conditions.

As a result, we can conclude if you are drinking or you have drunk some alcohol at an early stage of the pregnancy, it won’t hamper the child. but it is always advised is easier to stay safe and not drink alcohol at any given stage of pregnancy

How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System
How Long Does it Take Alcohol to Leave Your System

Is it okay To Drink When Breastfeeding? 

You are a regular drinker, but during your complete pregnancy, you avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. Now, you might ask, is it okay to drink when breastfeeding?

Before we move ahead And talk about breastfeeding and alcohol, let me be clear, you can detect alcohol in breast milk. Even though the amount of alcohol is going to be very small, you can detect alcohol in breast milk. 

As per the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, the safest thing you can do for your newborn baby is not to drink alcoholic beverages. It can cause several complications for the child. 

At the same time, one standard drink is not going to impact the infant, as there are no studies on the effects of 1 drink and breastfeeding. You should wait for at least two hours before nursing if you have only one standard drink.

The standard drink formula with 14 grams of pure alcohol is also going to apply in this situation. If you have one 12-ounce beer with 5% of alcohol, it is equal to 1 standard drink. At the same time, one shot of whiskey of 1.5 ounces is one standard drink.

Effect of Alcohol on Breastfeeding

As we are already aware, you can detect alcohol in the breast milk, which can further pass out to the infant. The whole situation does have some effects on the infant after drinking alcohol and breastfeeding.

If you are not waiting two hours before nursing your infant, it could hamper the life of children. A huge number of studies have already proven that alcohol consumption could lead to shortened breastfeeding duration.

Even after you wait for two hours multiplied by each drink you have, you could still be hampering the life of your child. Your child may not be able to develop like other children.

Safest Thing

Now you might be asking what could be the safest thing to do when you are breastfeeding, and you want to have a drink once in a while.

As a responsible person society, we would suggest you not have alcoholic beverages till you are breastfeeding your infant. You had spent more than nine months without drinking alcohol when you were pregnant, and we believe you can continue it for some more time.

Alcohol mixed in breast milk can affect the basic or early development of a child. You should not play with the life of a child. Even though the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggest moderate amounts of alcohol are not going to harm, it is always the best thing to not have alcohol while breastfeeding.

Can you Drink Alcohol While Taking Antibiotics?

Mixing alcohol and antibiotics is one of the worst things you can do with alcohol. Before we move ahead, let me be clear, kindly do not mix your alcohol and antibiotics. In some rare cases, it can cause life-threatening conditions.

It is clearly written on the packaging of every antibiotic that you should not be mixing it with alcohol, but still, most people do not care about that warning, and they keep doing what they like to do.

Generally, people follow each other, and if one person in your society or circle mixes the alcohol with antibiotics, everyone will follow, and it is happening out there.

Even though most antibiotics are completely safe to use, a huge number of antibiotics come with a warning. Those antibiotics can cause several side effects in the person taking them, for example, nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

At the same time, alcohol also has similar side effects after drinking more than enough alcohol, and people can experience nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

When you mix both of them together willingly or unwillingly, it increases the risk of getting side effects to a whole new level where the chances become more than 90%.

After mixing both of the things together, you might experience severe fatigue, throbbing headache, dizziness, anxiety, and chest pain. You might also get blood or mucus in your stool. In some rare cases mixing alcohol with antibiotics can also damage vital organs, including the liver. 

What if You Consume Alcohol With Antibiotics?

If you have already consumed alcohol with antibiotics, you should be very careful and not do anything dangerous. First of all, you should avoid getting in traffic or driving your car.

After that, you can call your relatives or friends to come over, in case of emergency. They will be able to handle you and call for medical assistance.

If you have already started seeing the side effects of alcohol consumption with antibiotics, you should contact any nearby hospital or call 911 and ask for medical assistance. Even though mixing both things together is not deadly, it can cause serious side effects.

Does Alcohol Raise Blood Pressure?

A huge number of people believe that red wine is a miracle drink for your heart health. That argument is completely wrong, and you should not be doing that.

There is a clear correlation between alcohol and blood pressure which has already been proved in a huge number of studies. As for those studies, it is very important for you to drink alcoholic beverages in a limited amount so that you won’t have long-term effects such as high blood pressure.

As of the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, it is always a wise decision to not drink more than two standard drinks in a day. It will not just help you maintain your blood pressure levels, but it will also save you from any potential alcohol poisoning or side effects.

If you are drinking more than two drinks in a day and you are having health issues such as high blood pressure, you should cut your alcohol intake as much as possible. Experts usually believe it is fine to have two standard drinks for a female in a day and three standard drinks for a man in a day.

But even after having three drinks in a day, men can experience high blood pressure levels depending on the structure of the body. For example, a 200-pound person can easily handle three drinks a day at the same time a person whose body weight is around 150 pounds or 140 pounds, three standard drinks can be a lot, and it can become the reason for high blood pressure.

Kindly remember that alcoholic beverages are not free of calories. Usually, these alcoholic beverages contain around 50 or 100 calories each drink. Those calories can also contribute to your unwanted weight gain, and those people are more likely to get high blood pressure than a regular person.

How to Maintain Blood Pressure?

 If you are suffering from high blood pressure and you like to have alcoholic beverages once in a while. The first thing you should do is cut your alcohol as much as possible. 

For example, if you are having seven or eating drinks on weekends and you are suffering from high blood pressure, you should cut down those eight alcoholic beverages to three or four.

As per the study, cutting back your alcohol intake also lower your blood pressure by 5.5 millimeters of mercury. Usually, it is enough to maintain your blood pressure levels, but if you are still not able to maintain it, you should also practice other things which can help you do it.

For example, you can have a good diet that is full of vegetables and fruits and cut down your sodium intake at the same time. Avoiding fast food or fried food is the best thing you can do right now. Lastly, you can start exercising at least 30 minutes a day. 



The effects of alcohol are very pleasing, and that is why most people in the world like to have alcoholic beverages regularly. We have already addressed most of the things relative to alcohol and its intake, such as how long it takes alcohol to leave your system.

You should be very careful while having alcoholic beverages on a regular basis. For example, if you have more than three drinks before driving, it could lead you to drive under the influence, and you might be charged for the same.

At the same time, women who are trying to get pregnant or are already pregnant should avoid having alcoholic beverages. In some cases, alcohol may cause miscarriage. There is always a risk of several physical conditions once you have a child.

Even after the birth of a child, you should not be having alcoholic beverages till you are breastfeeding your child. One standard drink might not hamper the life of a child, but it is always a wise decision to avoid it.

How many drinks are safe to have before driving a vehicle?

In the United States of America, the blood alcohol concentration is different in each state, and you should learn about how much is saved in your specific state. For example, if your state has a 0.08% blood alcohol concentration, then you might be able to have three standard drinks as each standard drink increases by 0.02% of blood alcohol concentration.

When can I start having alcoholic beverages after giving birth to a child?

As per the Centers for Disease Control and prevention, it is always a wise decision to wait for at least two years till your child is not relying on your breast milk. You can detect alcohol in breast milk, and it can also pass out to your infant. One standard drink a day is not going to harm your child, but it is always a decision to not have anything.

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